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Delete inodes list dialog

The user can click on the FileSystem menu, then select "Deleted inodes" menu item.

Figure 2: Menu items for filesystem

This operation will probably take a while if the size of the partition is large (A progress bar will be implemented in the future release). The long process only occurs when the filesystem is scanned for the first time and stored in the memory. The same dialog can be launched instantly in the same application session. Once the scan for deleted inodes is completed, a dialog appears with the inode deleted time, along with the user login name that the inode belongs to and the size of such inode (in bytes).

Figure 3 demonstrates a dialog of all the deleted inodes.

Figure 3: List all the deleted inodes

The inodes list is displayed in descending order of delete time, hence the first entry is the most recent deleted inode. When the user selects an inode, the "Delete time:" label is updated corresponding to the delete time of the selected inode. The user login name is shown rather than the user id. If there is no user login name associated with the inode's user id, the user id is displayed in the User column instead. The size column indicates the total size of all the data blocks belonging to the inode.

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Joseph Kuan 2001-11-06